Demonstrative Evidence Value Pack

Perfect for the LNC who needs in-depth knowledge about planning and using demonstrative evidence - 3 hours of education

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Product Description

The Demonstrative Evidence Value Pack contains transcripts of these webinars and teleseminars:

Efficient and Effective Use of Demonstrative Evidence to Make the Case. Legal professionals have to balance the desire for an effective presentation with the need to be more conscious about costs related to the litigation. There is also pressure to be on the cutting edge of courtroom presentation technology. Time and cost constraints also affect the selection and development of demonstrative evidence. The economics of preparing for and trying cases is changing. Our methodology will help in better organizing the visual support of a case by managing expenses at every step of the discovery and trial preparation stage. (Webinar transcript, slides included)

Visual Evidence: Helping Your Attorney Client Succeed. Clear exhibits can make or break a case. LNCs can take advantage of the opportunities to convince attorney clients to develop exhibits for any stage of a case. You’ll learn how to work with attorneys to clearly define key concepts and create effective and efficient exhibits. You’ll gain an overview of the technology now available for producing persuasive exhibits. You’ll gain an understanding of the types and uses of a variety of presentation formats, from flip charts to computer generated demonstrations. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to market this service to expand your role and assist your clients serve their clients. (Teleseminar transcript)

Show, Not Tell. Are you getting the most out of demonstrative evidence/graphics/exhibits you decide to use in a case? Do you know the optimum time to plan demonstrative evidence? Are your graphics designed to be absolutely clear and compelling? Do you know how to obtain effective feedback to improve your exhibits? Do you know when to use low tech, medium tech and high tech demonstrative evidence? Have you envisioned a trial as a play that needs visual aids at each stage? If you have answered one or more questions “no”, this is the program for you. Designed for attorneys, paralegals and legal nurse consultants, this session will assist you to plan effective visual aids, work with a graphics designer to obtain the results you need, and direct the courtroom drama with on-target exhibits. (Teleseminar transcript)

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