Medical Legal Aspects of Med Rec, Volumes I and II

Medical Legal Aspects of Medical Records, Second Edition is the reference of choice for cases involving medical records and their use. The book has been divided into two volumes for ease of finding the information you need.

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Product Description

A critical reference for understanding medical records.

Use Volume I to get a comprehensive overview of the medical records process. In any health care situation, records are made, and each situation presents its own unique aspects and challenges. This book explores the many aspects of medical records that apply across all specialties. It is specially designed to complement Volume II.

Use Volume II for in-depth information on many clinical specialties. This book informs you of the specific nature of clinical specialty records and hospital areas of specialty are covered, including chapters on dental, chiropractic, nursing home, pediatrics, medication, and home care. It is specially designed to complement Volume I.

Used jointly, these two volumes are a powerful tool for your practice and are exceptionally valuable to all those in the legal profession or in law enforcement who deal with medical records on a regular basis.

Topics Include:

  • Complementary and alternative medicine
  • Dental records
  • Home care records
  • Independent medical examination
  • Office-based medical records
  • Ophthalmology records
  • Emergency medical services records
  • Emergency department records
  • Critical care records
  • Diagnostic testing
  • Intravenous therapy records
  • Long-term care records
  • Medical surgical records
  • Medication records
  • The nursing process and nursing records
  • Obstetrical records
  • Orthopedic records
  • Pain assessment and management
  • Pediatric records
  • Perioperative records
  • Physician documentation
  • Psychiatric records
  • Physical therapy records
  • Rehabilitation records
  • Respiratory care records
  • Skin trauma
  • Medical terminology and abbreviations
  • Internet resources
  • Textbook references
  • Glossary

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