Medical Malpractice LNC Case Screening - Video

90 minute webinar, you will learn: How to establish standard of care How to identify theories of liability How to use key elements of effective case screening How to spot case winners & losers How to avoid pitfalls of medical record analysis

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Product Description

Is This You?

As a legal nurse consultant, you play a crucial role in helping attorneys identify medical malpractice cases that are meritorious. There is a lot at stake in a medical malpractice case – the costs, the potential recovery for the plaintiff and the reputations of the defendants. Using your medical knowledge and analytical skills, you are in a prime position to help attorneys understand the merits of a medical malpractice claim. You can be the light that guides the attorney to the meritorious claims.

This program is ideal for legal nurse consultants and medical expert witnesses.

Learn more at this link!