Negotiate Your Way to Success - Audio

Are you an effective negotiator? Are you pleased with the outcome when you walk away from a negotiating session with an attorney? Greg is the master negotiator, and brings years of expertise and helpful hints to help you gain more of what you need an

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Program Description

Are you an effective negotiator? Are you pleased with the outcome when you walk away from a negotiating session with an attorney? Greg is the master negotiator, and brings years of expertise and helpful hints to help you.

Evaluation and Post-Test for CEUs (pdf)


Greg Williams is an internationally known and sought after speaker. He’s known as the Master Negotiator. Greg has an extensive background in public speaking on the subject of negotiation and is a recognized expert in the field. He has taught thousands of people, in corporations, seminars and through his coaching program, on how to become more savvy negotiators.

Greg not only speaks on the subject of negotiation, but throughout his career, he has assisted his clients personally in negotiating many multi-million dollar deals. Greg has appeared on numerous TV programs and radio shows throughout the United States.

Greg answered these questions:

  • Before entering into any negotiation session, what should you do?
  • How important is it to develop a plan, prior to entering into a negotiation?
  • What are some of the components that go into developing a plan before entering into a negotiation session?
  • Are there times you should postpone negotiation?
  • What’s the number one way to make sure you get more out of every negotiation session you’re in?
  • How should you take into account a person’s makeup/character when negotiating?
  • What traits/mannerisms should you look for in a person when negotiating?
  • What are the specifics of nonverbal body language for negotiation over the phone?
  • How do you read body language when negotiating?
  • What happens to your negotiation plans if you misinterpret someone’s body language?
  • How can you determine when you’ve received the best deal you can get when negotiating?
  • What are the risks in personalizing the interaction?
  • What is the problem with stating “Take it or leave it?”
  • We’ve all had the experience of someone who interrupts or talks over us when we’re trying to make our points. Do you have any tips for dealing with that behavior?
  • What is the effect on negotiations if you think there must be a winner and a loser?
  • What should you do to make sure a deal stays together, after everyone has agreed on the covenants of the negotiation?
  • What pressures can you bring to bear on a situation when someone tries to back out of a negotiated agreement?